How Guards Can Boost Your Customer Service

Your security guards can be a key to customer service success. They are often the first and last people your customers encounter when working with you, meaning they have an opportunity to make or break their impression of your business before even launching into any conversation about what it is that you do.

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What do you think of the idea that security guards can provide valuable customer service? It might surprise you to know, but it's true. Security guards are often in a perfect position for both providing protection and great customer service at your location because they're constantly on site (unless there is an emergency). Their proximity not only creates opportunities for serving customers where other employees cannot, but also provides safety against potential issues with angry or rowdy clients. If you already have people stationed around your business premises then consider implementing these steps:

Greeting your Customers

When you walk into a store, the first thing to greet your eye is usually either an employee or the security guard. With so much going on behind-the-scenes at most businesses, it's often easy for employees and managers to get caught up in their tasks and forget about greeting customers - but this can have serious consequences! A friendly reception not only means that people feel welcome enough to come back again; they also find out right away how well you take care of them while inside your establishment.

Peace of Mind

We want our customers to feel safe doing business with us. We also make sure they know that while on property, the only thing they need to worry about is whether or not we have what you're looking for! Security guards stationed near the entrance of your store are a great way show them how carefree and happy shopping can be-and will give everyone an excellent start before even entering.

Available to Answer Questions

If security guards are not busy with other matters, they will be happy to help customers find their way around the store. They can answer questions about where different products or departments are located and share helpful information such as hours of operation, restroom locations, parking restrictions in the area-any pertinent knowledge that may make your customer's shopping experience more enjoyable!

Emergency Help

With the ever-present possibility of security incidents, business owners must be ready to react. If a situation occurs on your property such as an active shooter or fire, for example and professionals are needed in these situations - you can't afford not to have professional guards who know what they're doing! They'll know exactly how to handle any incident that may arise and get people out safely while also communicating with law enforcement so help is dispatched quickly.

Adding Quality to your Business

New research suggests people won't just buy from any company without stopping for thought; rather, they're looking for quality service as well--and will often choose companies which offer this over those who don’t.

Security guards are skilled to protect their clients, and as a result they can do much more than just discourage crime. From greeting customers to answering questions about the mall's history or assisting those with special needs, security staff fulfill many roles beyond that of protector. Additionally, these professionals have extensive training in customer service management and interaction which no doubt comes in handy when dealing with difficult situations like robberies or evacuations due to evil weather!

Security is more important than ever. If you're in the process of hiring a new security team, or just want to learn about what your options are, call Genesis Executive Security Inc. for free quotes and information on how we can protect your company from threats like vandalism and employee theft.


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